First of all, if you’re at all interested in this topic, you really ought to check out Dogs, Dog Food, and Dogma, my book about the science (and business) of canine health and obesity. If you don’t think it’s the most honest, rigorous, in-depth, and all-around helpful book you’ve ever read on the topic, I’ll refund 100% of […]
As I discuss in considerable detail in Dogs, Dog Food, and Dogma, there is near-universal acceptance among the mainstream veterinary nutritional “authorities” (the handful of board-certified veterinary nutritionists and countless self-appointed experts) that “a calorie is a calorie” and that carbohydrates are not uniquely fattening for dogs and cats. This despite the inconvenient truths that (1) there […]
What follows is another excerpt from my forthcoming book Dogs, Dog Food, and Dogma (available for pre-order here). In it, I recount my experiences at the SuperZoo convention, one of the world’s largest pet products expos. This excerpt serves as something of an introduction to the dog food business, a subject that I cover in greater […]