February 2012 - Page 2 of 2 - The Optimal Dog - The Optimal Dog

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Learning to Take Pleasure In Being Your Dog’s Play Buddy-Drill Sargeant

No profit grows where is no pleasure taken; in brief, sir, study what you most affect. — William Shakespeare If your overweight dog is ever going to get back into shape, you’ll have to play several different (but equally critical) roles throughout the process. On one level, you’re going to be a general.  This one […]

Overcoming the Destructive Power of Your Dog’s Sweet, Sorrowful Gaze

Regardless of whether you call yourself an “owner,” a “guardian,” or simply a “friend,” in your quest to be the best human possible to your cohabitating canine companion, one of the most challenging obstacles  you will confront will also be one of the most adorable: Your dog’s longing, sorrowful, expectant gaze.

Why Dog Exercise? — Part Two: Why Your Dog’s Health and Welfare Matter

This essay is a continuation of our exploration of the value of canine exercise.  In Part One, we discussed the health and welfare benefits of exercise for both you and your dog.  Now we turn our attention to pet owners and examine the degree to which, in light of those benefits, they should feel compelled to […]