I didn’t get a chance to watch the whole telecast, but I caught portions of it. A few notes: First of all, congrats to Sky and her people for their Best in Show win. It sounds like their well-deserved victory was the result of many years of hard work. Also, it probably goes without saying […]
Speaking generally, your skeletal muscle fibers fall into two broad categories, Type I and Type II. Type I fibers commonly are called “slow-twitch,” Type II fibers usually are referred to as “fast-twitch,” and the colloquial monikers are pretty appropriate: the maximum contraction velocity of a slow-twitch fiber is significantly slower than that of a fast-twitch […]
We prove what we want to prove, and the real difficulty is to know what we want to prove. – Emile Auguste Chartier Is today the first time you’ve thought that your dog would be happier and healthier if she lost some weight? Probably not. If you’ve read this blog before (somewhat unlikely) or if […]
2011 Pet Blogger Challenge As part of its on-going effort to raise awareness about the importance of pet fitness, health, and wellness topics, Varsity Pets is proud to announce that we have joined the Second Annual Pet Blogger Challenge. The Pet Blogger Challenge is an initiative through which pet industry bloggers candidly expose their goals, […]
[Like this post? Want to learn more about how to keep your dog healthy and happy? Check out Dogs, Dog Food, and Dogma, my book from Present Tense Press. Kirkus Reviews calls it “remarkable,” “eye-opening,” “scandalous,” and “impressive.”] — Joint injuries are all too common in certain dog breeds. Be they of the ligament, tendon, […]
Want to be impressed by the natural athletic abilities of your dog? Try this: first focus her attention on a favorite ball or other bouncing toy while positioning yourself at least several feet away from her. Make sure that the dog is happily agitated, displaying signs of excitement and interest. Then throw the ball towards […]
Hello. Thanks for stopping by to read the Varsity Report. This is a blog about pet health and fitness topics. The writers are animal enthusiasts and recreational athletes who have experienced firsthand the joy of incorporating healthy habits and fitness training into our relationships with our pets. We started a company (Varsity Pets) and started […]