It’s easy to forget that the world as it appears to a dog is very different from the world as it appears to you and me. I mean that literally. Because we all “know” that our dogs experience the world differently than we do (at least in the sense that we’ll all agree with that […]
If you spend as much time as I do talking about pet obesity and fitness, you’re bound to run across someone who attempts to defend their overweight dog using some variation of the “so what?” defense: “Yeah, I know he’s overweight, but so what? Look at him — he doesn’t seem to mind, he’s perfectly […]
One reason why celebrity dog trainers and other self-appointed “experts” are so quick to tell you what your dog is thinking or feeling is this: it’s difficult to prove them wrong. As you may have noticed, dogs can’t communicate verbally. So they’re never going to explicitly tell us what’s going on inside their heads. Instead, […]